This blog is a journal of my adventure in astronomy and astrophotography -- Please feel free to look around.


Monday, November 29, 2010

M1 - The Crab Nebula

M1-The Crab Nebula in the constellation of Taurus

TEC 140 F/7 refractor, AP CCD Telecompressor 0.67x, SBIG ST-8XME with CFW-8 (L= 5x60/binning 1x1, R=5x60, G=5x60, B=5x60/binning 2x2), Losmandy G-11 Gemini v4, MaxIm DL5 and Photoshop CS4, Toledo, OH, 
Nov 28, 2010

M27 - Dumbell Nebula

M27-The Dumbell Nebula in the constellation Vulpecula

TEC 140 F/7 refractor AP CCD Telecompressor 0.67x SBIG ST-8XME with CFW-8 (L= 5x60/binning 1x1, R=5x60, G=5x60, B=5x60/binning 2x2) Losmandy G-11 Gemini v4 MaxIm DL5 and Photoshop CS4, Toledo, OH, Nov 28, 2010

IC434 - Horsehead Nebula

NGC 2024 and IC 434 -The Flame Nebula (left) and Horsehead Nebula (right) in the constellation Orion

TEC 140 F/7 refractor AP CCD Telecompressor 0.67x SBIG ST-8XME with CFW-8 (L= 5x60/binning 1x1, R=5x60, G=5x60, B=5x60/binning 2x2) Losmandy G-11 Gemini v4 MaxIm DL5 and Photoshop CS4, Toledo, OH, Nov 28, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

M72 - The Aquarius Globular Cluster

M72 - The Aquarius Globular Cluster

A globular cluster is a spherical collection of stars that orbits a galactic core. Globular clusters are very tightly bound by gravity, which gives them their spherical shapes and relatively high stellar densities. M72 is one of well known globular clusters in the constellation Aquarius. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 9.3 and its angular diameter is 5.9 arc-minutes. The image was obtained on 16 November 2010 using a TEC140 f/7 refractor and a SBIG ST-8XE CCD camera with a luminance filter. The total exposure time was 15 minutes, 3-minute subexposures.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

M13 - The Hercules Globular Cluster

M13 (NGC 6205)-The Hercules Globular Cluster

TEC 140 F/7 refractor, WO x0.8 reducer/flattener II, SBIG ST-8XME with CFW-8 (RGB=60:60:60), Losmandy G-11 Gemini4, CCDops, MaxIm DL5 and Photoshop CS4, Toledo, OH, 
Nov 8, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

M57 - Ring Nebula

Cropped image

M57-The Ring Nebula

TEC 140 F/7 refractor WO x0.8 reducer/flattener II SBIG ST-8XME with CFW-8 (RGB=60:60:60) Losmandy G-11 Gemini CCDops, MaxIm DL5 and Photoshop CS4, Toledo, OH, Nov 1, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Celestron C11

This is C11 made by Celestron, which is my first Schmidt-Cassegrain. It was coupled with Losmandy G11 can be seen in the picture (Left black tube). Now, it is operated with Vixen SXD since G11 was sold. I think G11 performed much better than SXD regarding handling C11. But, it doesn't mean that SXD can't be used for C11. As of now, C11 has been used for a visual observation. Well, I might be able to do astroimaging with a stock condition. But, it would be difficult to image deep sky objects with a long focal ratio (f/10). I would rather do astrophotography with Takahashi e180, f/2.8 or Vixen AX-103S, f/5.6 with x0.7 reducer.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Moon Rabbit

This image of the moon shows the moon one day after full phase when the moon was about 97% illuminated. It was taken with a TEC140 telescope, a Vixen GPD2 German equatorial mount, and Olympus Pen. As you can see, there are a number of creators. Under good viewing conditions, you should be able to see some of the following features: Bright region around Copernicus, Bright region around Kepler, Faintly shaded area near Sacrobosco, Mare Nectaris, Mare Humorum, Lubiniesky region, Gassendi region, Plinius region, Mare Vaporum, Sinus Medii, Dark spot at foot of Mons Huygens, and Riphean Mountains. Bear in mind it's not always a rabbit!

Monday, March 1, 2010

TEC 140

This is my first refractor TEC140 in the US. I had have a couple of refractors and reflectors back in South Korea. Now I found that this is an amazing instrument, not compatible to others. It took 8 months to receive it. In the second picture, the TEC140 is installed onto a German equatorial mount Losmandy G11. However, I finally decided to sell it to raise a fund for a Takahashi EM-200 Temma2M.